IV Hydration Therapy

IV hydration and vitamin therapy are known as an IV cocktail for expedient relief. Perfect for those that may have had too many margaritas on the River Walk, athletes preparing for, or requiring an IV for recovery from a competition or event such as the Rock n’ Roll marathon or the Alamo Bowl. IV hydration is popular for pre-party events such as the San Antonio Cocktail Conference, Margarita Pour-Off, Rodeo, Fiesta, Bachelor / Bachelorette parties, and Pub Crawls. It is also a quick fix for waking up from a long night of over-indulgence, battling a migraine, day to day exhaustion, experiencing jet lag, seeking relief from sore muscles or chronic pain, suffering from a cold or flu, or low in energy. Additionally, IV hydration is beneficial prior to outdoor adventures such as hunting, fishing, hiking, water sports or snow skiing and, along with aromatherapy therapy, will aid in preparing your body for elevation changes. And then there is the beauty feature; IV vitamins provide enhanced immunity while increasing cell protection, resulting in a brighter, tighter skin, and more energy.